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Re: Vale David Channon aka Boofhead.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 12:20 am
by cage
I am sorry for the late post here however I was unfortunately overseas and then fell sick for a few weeks. I did make it back home in time for Boof's funeral but being bed ridden I had to cancel flights and miss it which I am saddened about.

I have so much to say about this legend of a man and Kerry summed it up perfectly with his first post so I won't go on too much however the world is a worst place for Boof no longer being in it.

I first came in contact with Boof when he reached out to help a fellow mustangtecher (like so many other people on this forum) who obviously needed help. Over the next couple of months Boof helped me build a parts list for my engine and a full plan. He also explain why we use certain parts or brands and how they all work together for the best performance. I learnt so much off this man.

And didn't he like spending your money. Haha, I truly believe he got a kick out of it and kept egging you on to order better parts, more expensive parts. Which of course I fell for.

After ordering everything and to show the true nature of the man Boof offered to fly down to Sydney for a weekend and help me build the motor at Kerry's house. The full story of this is in my Brandy thread. He brought with him all the specialist equipment and over two very long days the motor was finished (we started with a short block already full of the goodies that Boof advised).

We had a fantastic weekend, worked very hard and laughed a lot. Funny enough he refused to actual physically help as he said I wouldn't learn anything so he just pointed and told me what to do. This was his way of making sure that a bit of his knowledge was passed on to someone else and that I think was the thing he loved most about this community and the car culture we all love.

I saw him more times after that and spoke and texted a lot and we became mates. Some people are just special, it is hard to put your finger on it but they just have something about them. Boof was always there when you needed him, he would give you the shirt of his back if you asked and he got joy out of helping people and sharing their lives. He was humble, had honour and respect, he was kind and thoughtful, a quick and witty humour and he smiled a lot. He was so knowledgeable but never forced that knowledge on you but he would always help when you needed it.

I will miss Boof very much, however every time I open my bonnet or start my car and hear that beautiful motor come to life a part of Boof will always be with me. Rest in Peace my friend and I will see you down the road sometime.

:burnout: :cheers:

Re: Vale David Channon aka Boofhead.

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 8:24 am
by nassi
Thanks for that Cage.

Re: Vale David Channon aka Boofhead.

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2019 11:08 pm
by ozbilt
12 months today since Boof left us.

Raise a glass for David today. Miss you mate ......

Re: Vale David Channon aka Boofhead.

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2019 2:19 am
by Dwayne
Very sad, hope you are OK Kerry and remember there are plenty of guys if you ever need a chat.

Re: Vale David Channon aka Boofhead.

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2019 3:23 am
by hybrid
Wow, where did that year go. Boof still lives on here, which is very cool.
I'm in Canberra for a few days, but if you need a chat Kerry, happy to do so.

Will have a beer for him tonight.

Re: Vale David Channon aka Boofhead.

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2019 4:34 am
by ozbilt
Sorry, I had a "senior moment" and posted a week early.

I am sure David won't mind a week of drinking, so raise your glasses and have them for him up to the 21st.

Re: Vale David Channon aka Boofhead.

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2019 5:53 am
by hybrid
Bottoms up.


Re: Vale David Channon aka Boofhead.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 12:00 am
by ozbilt
At this time of today, please give a few moments to reflect on the impact David (Boofhead) had on our lives.

Please raise a glass for our mate that left us 3 years ago on this day.

Now thinking of all the funny stuff we did together, especially on our trips, both in the Mustang and overseas.

Re: Vale David Channon aka Boofhead.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 8:16 pm
by hybrid
Cheers to Boof - we miss you mate.

Re: Vale David Channon aka Boofhead.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 9:26 pm
by ozbilt
Another year gone since we lost Boof. Really miss you mate ......

Carol and I have been messaging back and forth with Jan the last couple of days. Hope to catch up when we are both back from the USA.

Re: Vale David Channon aka Boofhead.

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2023 7:06 pm
by ozbilt
Hard to believe it has been 5 years since we lost Boof (21/3/18)

We all miss you mate .......

Re: Vale David Channon aka Boofhead.

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 9:02 am
by hybrid
It's been a pretty crazy 5 years too.