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Re: Ronin187 - pics as promised

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 8:45 am
by Ronin187
Thanks Hybrid, she's actually a pretty comfortable drive, though I'm not 100 percent sure on the ProCar seats just yet. I mean they're better than stock, but I dunno.. just not super comfortable.

Re: Ronin187 - pics as promised

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 3:21 am
by Ronin187
Updates, updates, updates!

So been waiting for a block period where I could start getting the GV installed, and November is the month!!

Mrs. is heading to Fiji for a month so I'll be able to park the stang up and get cracking.

Ive got a bid on a C6 cross member on evilbay, got the electrics installed and g2g.

What else am I going to need for the swap?

I'll be able to use my Lokar shifter as it's floor mounted and not trans mounted, I'm looking into a good quality transmission cooler and I'm guessing it'd be smart to swap out the flywheel bolts etc.

Re: Ronin187 - pics as promised

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 2:38 am
by Ronin187
Well guys its been two months since my last post and I've made exactly zero progress on the car.
Work was crazy for the back half of the year with two EOD course being ran concurrently and only 7 staff to teach 42 students.....

BUT first day of leave today!!! 4 weeks of garage time, and I've got quite a list of things to do.

I've put 2000 miles on her since getting rego in August, which I'm super happy with.

As most may know I picked up the GV unit and was planning to install it over November, which slid to December and now I'm think about selling it and moving in a different direction.

Which direction? Well I'll play the cards close to my chest for the time being, but the new year could see some changes to the car.

Anyway enough rambling, and I've got no pictures, so ill shut up and continue planning

Re: Ronin187 - pics as promised

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 5:25 am
by cage
Show the cards please Ronin. Why no GV?

Re: Ronin187 - pics as promised

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 6:19 am
by Ronin187
Well, there's a very strong possibility that i'll be posting back into the northern beaches from Penriff in the new year, so I wont be doing nearly as much highway driving as I had planned. So the effort of swapping in the GV and associated parts may be wasted sweat equity.

Plus there's a heap of smaller things (like a/c etc) that I really want to get in the car to increase the day to day drivability.

As for the "next big thing"... y'all are going to have to wait and see.