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Driving a LHD Drive Manual

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 4:38 pm
by GregC
As you may have seen in other Forums I am looking at purchasing my First Mustang and would like some feedback in the driving a LHD that is also a Manual. A couple of cars that I like are Manual.
I was originally thinking of getting an Auto even though I am a past Manual Driver for a number of years and still occasionally get to drive a Manual. My thought pattern was that it would be too hard to adjust to LHD plus Manual. I know it is only the Gearstick that is different.
Am I being too cautious and would be actually missing out on something. I would appreciate the thoughts of both Manual and Auto LHD Drivers please.

Re: Driving a LHD Drive Manual

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 4:57 pm
by hybrid
Can't help you with personal experience, but I have heard others say that they actually prefer the feeling of shifting with their right hand.

Re: Driving a LHD Drive Manual

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 5:06 pm
by Foresight
More control on the gear stick but less control with the left hand while shifting. That is relative to a rhd and is only for the second you are changing gears.

The only problem is visibility when pulling up to an intersection or when overtaking. I have just adjusted my driving style to suit. I pull up perpendicular to intersections instead of starting to turn before I stop. As far as overtaking I just wait for a lane or just cruise behind the car in front and enjoy the ride.

Personally I enjoy it but I can see how some people may not.

Re: Driving a LHD Drive Manual

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 5:07 pm
by S[_]SPECT
Depends on driving style...
It doesnt take long to adjust to LHD when driving 'normally' - Although im an auto.
'Spirited' driving takes a bit longer to get used to
I know a guy that is uncomfortable when his LHD Camaro gets sideways..(and thats auto)

I wouldnt let LHD put me off a car.. even manual.. you get used to it..

Re: Driving a LHD Drive Manual

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:14 pm
by ozbilt
I drive LH & RH drive cars in a lot of countries, some manual, others auto. We even had Mrsozbilt's RH drive Mach in the USA for many years ......


As Lee said above, it is more about being aware rather than the hand that is changing gear.

Re: Driving a LHD Drive Manual

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 10:15 pm
by ponyride
Your brain adapts, don't worry. I've become used to driving manual LHD. I got used to it in a hurry when I had to drive a LHD manual in a foreign country.

It really does depend on the car and what type of driving you want to do Greg. Sometimes I want to cruise and just plonk it in "D" with my arm resting on the window and relax.

My 1970 fastback however, is a four speed manual, no power steering and I wouldn't have it any other way, it's a blast to drive and would lose its soul if it was an auto.

There's nothing like a manual to make the most of an engine and enjoy the exhaust note I reckon.

My opinion only.

Re: Driving a LHD Drive Manual

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 3:18 am
by 6R07K
Got to leave them left, its half the fun of having one of these cars. I think you'll find the shifter being under the wrong hand makes very little difference.

The only serious side to being LHD is country driving and over taking. I would be welling to bet most Mustangs spend their time cruising around town and dual lane roads where it doesn't make a difference. Anyway its about the drive not the destination, so be patient and wait for the right opportunity :P

Re: Driving a LHD Drive Manual

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 7:41 am
by ozbilt
6R07K wrote: The only serious side to being LHD is country driving and over taking. I would be welling to bet most Mustangs spend their time cruising around town and dual lane roads where it doesn't make a difference.
That pic taken above was taken in Iowa & notice the gravel road. One thing I do see over here is Mustangs traveling on "secondary" roads (not dual lane highways) as cruising runs have become more popular. As I said above, I spend a lot of time in cars that have the steering wheel on the opposite side to what is norm in that particular country. Reality I would consider city driving way more dangerous as there are more idiots to contend with. With that in mind, I restrict myself to very little driving in the city (in any car).

Re: Driving a LHD Drive Manual

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 8:08 am
by Foresight
Ben is from perth ozbilt so take our "city" driving with a grain of salt :rotfl:

Re: Driving a LHD Drive Manual

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 9:13 am
by nassi
Foresight wrote:Ben is from perth ozbilt so take our "city" driving with a grain of salt :rotfl:
He is right about the idiots though.

Re: Driving a LHD Drive Manual

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 10:21 am
by 6R07K
nassi wrote:
Foresight wrote:Ben is from perth ozbilt so take our "city" driving with a grain of salt :rotfl:
He is right about the idiots though.
More so in Perth then a lot of places.

Re: Driving a LHD Drive Manual

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 1:38 pm
by ponyride
It's the only place I've seen where you can have four or five cars sitting in the RH lane at traffic lights and nothing in the left lane. The freeway's the same, everyone wants ther piece of real estate in the right lane and you can cruise past them in the left. Abject stupidity.

Re: Driving a LHD Drive Manual

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 1:46 pm
by Dynamic
ponyride wrote:It's the only place I've seen where you can have four or five cars sitting in the RH lane at traffic lights and nothing in the left lane. The freeway's the same, everyone wants ther piece of real estate in the right lane and you can cruise past them in the left. Abject stupidity.
Rick I remember the campaigns a few years back, "keep left save lives" or "keep left unless overtaking" and it was policed for about as long as my sex life.

Re: Driving a LHD Drive Manual

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 9:54 pm
by Pinto-Pete
driving in the empty left lanes are the most enjoyable part of Perth,... other than nassi's roast chicken oh and the Qantas lounge........

Re: Driving a LHD Drive Manual

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 10:34 pm
by ponyride
Dynamic wrote:
ponyride wrote:It's the only place I've seen where you can have four or five cars sitting in the RH lane at traffic lights and nothing in the left lane. The freeway's the same, everyone wants ther piece of real estate in the right lane and you can cruise past them in the left. Abject stupidity.
Rick I remember the campaigns a few years back, "keep left save lives" or "keep left unless overtaking" and it was policed for about as long as my sex life.
I think they gave up in despair.